Publications from the RIHM lab
Hendricks, J. & Peres, S. C. (accepted) The Impact of Hazard Statement Design Elements in Procedures: Counterintuitive Findings and Implications for Standards. Human Factors
Johnson, W., Peres, S. C., Benden, M., Methta, R.K., Pickens, A., Smith, M.L., Sweany, N., & Johson, M.A., (accepted) Lingual and Non-Lingual Safety Training Methodology Effectiveness: Does Language of Origin Impact Effectiveness. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics
Sasangohar, F., Ade, N., Quddus, N., Peres, S. C., & Kannan, P. (2021). Identifying step-level complexity in procedures: Integration of natural language processing into the Complexity Index for Procedures—Step level (CIPS). International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 85, 103184
Mehta, R. K., Nuamah, J., Peres, S. C., & Murphy, R. R. (2020). Field Methods to quantify emergency responder fatigue: Lessons learned from sUAS deployment at the 2018 Kilauea Volcano Eruption. IISE transactions on occupational ergonomics and human factors, 1-10.
Lintern, G., Motavalli, A., Chua, Z., Rantanen, E. M., Peres, S. C., & Boorman, D. (2020). Rapid Development of a Hospital Checklist in a Time of COVID-19. Ergonomics in Design, 1064804620963687.
Hendricks, J. W., & Peres, S.C. (2020) Beyond human error: An empirical study of the safety Model 1 and Model 2 approaches for predicting worker’s behaviors and outcomes with procedures. Safety Science, 134, 105016.
McDonald, A. D., Ade, N., & Peres, S. C. (2020). Predicting Procedure Step Performance from Operator and Text Features: A Critical First Step Toward Machine Learning-Driven Procedure Design. Human Factors, 0018720820958588.
Peres, S. C., Smith, A., & Sasangohar, F. (2020). Worker-centered investigation of issues with procedural systems: Findings from interviews with a representative sample of workers in high-risk process industries. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 67, 104264.
Sasangohar, F., Moats, J., Mehta, R., & Peres, S. C. (2020). Disaster ergonomics: human factors in COVID-19 pandemic emergency management. Human factors, 62(7), 1061-1068.
Moon, J., Sasangohar, F., Son, C., & Peres, S. C. (2020). Cognition in crisis management teams: an integrative analysis of definitions. Ergonomics, 63(10), 1240-1256.
Son, C., Larsen, E., Sasangohar, F., & Peres, S.C. (2020). Opportunities and Challenges for Resilient Hospital Incident Management: Case Study of a Hospital’s Response to Hurricane Harvey. Journal of Critical Infrastructure Policy• Volume, 1(1).
Son, C., Sasangohar, F., Peres, S. C., & Moon, J. (2020). Muddling through troubled water: resilient performance of incident management teams during Hurricane Harvey. Ergonomics, 63(6), 643-659.
Son, C.1, Sasangohar, F., Neville, T. 2, Peres, S. C., & Moon, J.1 (2020) Investigating Resilience in Emergency Management: A Systematic Literature Review. Applied Ergonomics, 87, 103114.
Ahmed, L., Quddus, N., Kannan, P., Peres, S. C., & Mannan, M. S. (2020). Development of a procedure writers’ guide framework: Integrating the procedure life cycle and reflecting on current industry practices. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 76, 102930.
Son, C.1, Sasangohar, F., Neville, T. 2, Peres, S. C., & Moon, J.1 (2019) Evaluation of Work-as-Done in Information Management of Multidisciplinary Incident Management Teams via Interaction Episode Analysis. Applied Ergonomics—Special Issue on Resilience
Shortz, A. E., Mehta, R. K., Peres, S. C., Benden, M. E., & Zheng, Q. (2019). Development of the Fatigue Risk Assessment and Management in High-Risk Environments (FRAME) Survey: A Participatory Approach. International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(4), 522.
Mehta, R. K., Smith, A. 1, Williams, J.P. 1, Peres, S. C., Sasangohar (2019) Investigating Fatigue in Offshore Drilling: A Qualitative Data Analysis of Interviews, IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors, DOI: 10.1080/24725838.2019.1593896
Peres, S. C., Johnson, W. D. 1, Thomas, S. E. 1, & Ritchey, P. 1 (2019) The Effects of Native Language and Gender on Procedure Performance and Hazard Comprehension. Journal of Human Factors, 61(1), 32-42
Mehta, R., Peres, S. C., Saini, G. 1, Lee, M. 1, Hoyle, W. S. 1, Shortz, A. 1, Chih-Chan, H. 1, & Pryor, M. (2018) Operator situation awareness and physiological states during offshore well control scenarios. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 55, 332-337.
Son, C. 1, Neville, T. 2, Sasangohar, F., Peres, S. C., & Mannan, M. S. (2018) Modeling an incident Management Team as a Joint Cognitive System. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 56, 231-241
Sasangohar, F., Peres, S. C., Williams, J. P. 1, Smith, A. 1, & Mannan, M. S. (2018). Investigating written procedures in process safety: Qualitative data analysis of interviews from high-risk facilities. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 113, 30-39.
Yu, M.1, Quddus, N. 2, Peres, S. C., Sachdeva, S. 1, & Mannan, M. S. (2017). Development of a safety management system (SMS) for drilling and servicing operations within OSHA jurisdiction area of Texas. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 50, 266-274.
Towne, S. D., Ory, M. G., Smith, M. L., Peres, S. C., Pickens, A. W., Mehta, R. K., & Benden, M. (2017). Accessing physical activity among young adults attending a university: the role of sex, race/ethnicity, technology use, and sleep. BMC Public Health, 17(1), 721.
Mehta, R. K., Peres, S. C., Kannan, P. 1, Rhee, J., Shortz, A. 1, & Mannan, M. S. (2017). Comparison of objective and subjective operator fatigue assessment methods in offshore shiftwork. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 48, 376-381.
Peres, S. C., Mehta, R. K., & Ritchey, P1. (2017). Assessing ergonomic risks of software: Development of the SEAT. Applied Ergonomics, 59, 377-386.
Peres, S. C., Verona, D. 1, Nisar, T. 1, & Ritchey, P. 1 (2017). Towards a systematic approach to real-time sonification design for surface electromyography. Displays, 47, 25-31.
Peres, S. C., Quddus, N. 2, Kannan, P. 1, Ahmed, L. 1, Ritchey, P. 1, Johnson, W. 1, Rahmani, S., & Mannan, M. S. (2016). A summary and synthesis of procedural regulations and standards—Informing a procedures writer's guide. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 44, 726-734.
Garrett, G. 1, Benden, M. E., Mehta, R., Pickens, A., Peres, S. C., & Zhao, H. (2016). Call Center Productivity Over 6 Months Following a Standing Desk Intervention. IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors. DOI:10.1080/21577323.2016.1183534
Peres, S. C., Kortum, P. T., Akladios, M., & Muddimer, A. (2016). Developing and validating a self-report assessment tool for software biomechanics. Work, 53(1), 193-204.
Kortum, P., & Peres, S. C. (2015). Evaluation of Home Health Care Devices: Remote Usability Assessment. Journal of Medical Internet Research Human Factors, 2(1), e10.
Hong, Y., Goldberg, D., Dahlke, D. V., Ory, M. G., Cargill, J. S., Coughlin, R., ... & Peres, S. C. (2014). Testing Usability and Acceptability of a Web Application to Promote Physical Activity (ICanFit) Among Older Adults. JMIR Human Factors, 1(1), e2.
Kortum, P., & Peres, S. C. (2014). The Relationship Between System Effectiveness And Subjective Usability Scores Using The System Usability Scale. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 30(7), 575-584.
Tamborello II, F. P., Peres, S. C., Nguyen, V. D. 1, & Fleetwood, M. D. (2013). Peer-Mediation of the Adoption of Efficient Software Interaction Methods: A Model Based on Priming. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(6), 2595-2602.
Peres, S. C. (2012). A Comparison of Sound Dimensions for Auditory Graphs: Pitch Is Not So Perfect. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 60(7/8), 561-567.
McLellan, S., Muddimer, A., & Peres, S. C. (2012). The Effect of Experience on System Usability Scale Ratings. Journal of Usability Studies, 7(2), 56-67.
Kortum, P., Peres, S. C., & Stallmann, K. (2011) Extensible Auditory Progress Bar Design: Performance and Aesthetics. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 27(9), 864-884.
Lane, D. M., Peres, S. C., Sándor, A., & Napier, H. A. (2005). A process for anticipating and executing icon selection in graphical user interfaces. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 19 (2), pp. 241-252.
Lane, D. M., Napier, H.A., Peres, S. C., & Sándor, A. (2005). The Hidden Costs of Graphical User Interfaces: Users' Failures to Make the Transition from Menus and Icon Tool Bars to Keyboard Shortcuts. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction, 18 (2), pp. 133-144.
Lane, D. M., Sándor, A., & Peres, S. C. (2004). Sonification. In W. S. Bainbridge (Ed.), Berkshire Encyclopedia of Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 669-672). Great Barrington, MA.